A number of Fractional Owners have been complaining to us about demands for payment from FPSL circulating in January and February of this year.
Please be very careful. We have been sent copies of demands which have referred to the wrong fractional company, and even to people who are not even Members of Fractional Companies.
We repeat the advice - which has been confirmed in writing by the Owners of FPSL:
- There is no contractual liability for Owners to pay any fees at any time to FPSL.
- DO NOT pay any money to FPSL unless you have reached a separate agreement with FPSL to do so: TRG does not require you to pay anything to FPSL.
We have also been asked to circulate as link to the website of TRG Founder Memberships Holdings Limited - not part of TRG.
If you are uncertain about what to do please refer to their guidance at this web address:
I’ve just received my bank statement and over £600 has been taken out. No idea what for, no money coming in . I really want rid of this investment.
This constant barraging and to-ing and fro-ing between these companies are taking away the facts that we are being ripped off.
The resort group need to restart the completion of the White Sands project. This has been a very stressful process and is causing me nothing but frustration.
So who pays these fee’s, I haven’t recieved a penny piece from these charlatans since 2019.
The Fractional fee’s are supposed to be paid by TRG, but they don’t seem to to be paying anybody.
This is such a mess I don’t think anybody knows exactly what’s going on
Regarding returns I haven't seen anything since Sept 2019 and I know I'm not the only one.No returns on Bonds which is a direct breach. All one gets is excuses about Covid.
Strange. A number of Fractional Owners have been complaining to you about no return on 'investments' but never any posts about that!