Sua Casa started operations in February 2022 and in that time we have supported thousands of TRG Owners. We are a small team, and while don't claim to be perfect, we do believe that Owners now have someone to speak to and someone who will honestly answer their questions. In 2022 we have helped some Owners visit their property for the first time, reduced BRM costs to all, and have helped navigate the way through the re-opening of the resorts.
This time last year we were barely open as a set of 3 resorts. This Christmas we have been as busy as before the pandemic at 2 of the resorts, while a third is operating but taking a little longer to get up to those levels.
We hope to be able to offer you a fuller service in the coming year.
Can someone please tell me if my apartment is being used by TRG in the rental scheme. It should be by now. Also who do I contact if I want to book my apartment for a week in Feb or March. And what if any fees would I have to pay