For the Sua Casa team it has been a busy first half-year. We want to stay relevant, support property owners and keep improving, so we have had a quick look back on our progress so far.
We started in February of this year, reaching out initially to a very small number of Owners and gradually expanding our services until by late June we were open for business for all fractional owners of property in Tortuga, Llana and Dunas.
We have had a pretty positive response and now on average about 250 Owners per week make contact for some reason or another via the web-page.
We've helped a number of people visit their property in Cape Verde - some for the first time.
We've kept people updated with the progress in re-opening resorts and generating rental return, and we brought news that - based on the improvement in this - TRG changed policy to stop asking directly for Beach Resort Management Fees.
We have now provided a cash-flow analysis including income forecasting for over 1,000 owners already, supporting them in making decisions about what to do with their property and we have helped many reduce their costs of ownership.
Where we could not help, we have referred over 400 Owners to work with other professionals, and to date 30 of these have been able to turn their position into cash; collectively receiving almost £1.3m in the process.
There have been areas in which we have not been able to help. Some have - with our support - tried and failed to sell their Ownership. We are continuing to work to find easier solutions for this and will keep trying until we are successful. The 30 we mention above are only a small proportion of the number who want to exit their ownership, and we will keep trying to help more of you as best we can.
In the meantime, we will keep seeking ways to expand and improve this new service and look forward to hearing more from you as the resorts get busier and busier heading into our first proper winter (peak) season for 2 years.